Nice to meet you.
Needless to say, Common Worship is more than just a couple of people in their garage. It’s a network of talented, earnest people working together to bring God glory through connection and development. There are a couple of guys in a garage who organize things though. And it’s not a garage. It’s a “home studio.”
Jared Epling
Jared is the definition of a people person. He lives in Oklahoma City, OK with his family, and you can’t go anywhere without Jared running into someone he knows. He has been involved in worship music for years and is currently on staff at a local church in Oklahoma City. If you want to get in touch with Jared, send him an email at jared@commonworship.group.
Cogan Higgins
Cogan fell in love with music at a young age, and began cultivating those skills in his home church. He gets his musical gifts from his grandmother, who was in a traveling gospel band in the 80s/90s. He lives in Oklahoma City, OK with his family, and enjoys giving young musicians a place to learn and serve in the local church. If you want to get in touch with Cogan, send him an email at cogan@commonworship.group.